Monday, February 13, 2012


SACRAMENTO, CA -- The following information was released by the California Republican Party:
Just days after voting for pay-as-you go legislation - which she referred to as a way to "help us maintain fiscal discipline while we continue the hard work of rebuilding America's economy" - U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) broke her word on the first test of this new law when she joined Senate Democrats and voted to "waive" the pay-go rules in order to pass the Democrats' $15 billion jobs bill yesterday.
In addition, Sen. Boxer also alarmed the environmental community by distancing herself from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report during a review of the EPA's budget in Tuesday's Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing which Boxer chairs.
"Senator Boxer is quietly retreating on two important political issues after she had publicly vowed to support them. It smacks of political convenience and highlights the lack of trust that has driven Congressional approval ratings down to record lows," said California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring. "A few more about-faces like these and the Democrats will have to hold an intervention because Boxer's backtracking is quickly becoming a hypocritical habit."
Boxer is quickly becoming the focus of recent news reports on the Democrat's precarious hold on the Congressional majority heading into the 2010 campaign season. According to PolitiCal in the Los Angeles Times, the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report reports that it has lost some confidence that U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer will hold on to her seat, saying "Boxer's poll numbers are less than intimidating. The contest is worth watching because of the building GOP wave."
Nehring added, "This is why Barbara Boxer is facing the toughest re-election battle of her career. California voters are tired of out-of-control spending and Big Government bureaucracy from the Democrat-controlled Congress and they're looking for real change this November. Hopefully, then she'll start admonishing people to call her 'Former Senator.'"
Boxer: "I Believe In PAYGO. If I Want To Spend Something Then I've Got To Cut Something Or Figure Out A Way To Pay For It." (Senator Barbara Boxer, MSNBC, 6/16/09)
Boxer: "I Believe In Balanced Budgets, Pay-As-You-Go Budgeting And Supporting Investments That Make Sense . . . ." (Senator Barbara Boxer As Quoted In Richard Wolf, "Senators Back Cuts In Deficit, Not In Budget," USA Today, 2/10/10)
Boxer: "This powerful report confirms the very real dangers that global warming poses for us all. The effects of global warming will be felt throughout the world." (Senator Barbara Boxer, Official Statement on IPCC Fourth Assessment Report , (4/6/07)

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