Tuesday, February 14, 2012


P.G. publisher comes out with a healthy travel guide.
With a father who believed the grass was always greener, Pacific Grove author-publisher Patricia Hamilton was carted around the country as a kid, moving eight times between the third and the sixth grade. Somewhere amid the hustle and bustle, she realized wherever she went, people were drawn to her because she hailed from California. But little did she know that the Golden State wasn't just an ice-breaker-it would ultimately further her career.
"California gave me an identity; it gave me life," she says.
Before the "green" movement began, before Whole Foods charged $14 a pound for salmon, and before vegetarianism became common, Hamilton was living the healthy food lifestyle.
"I spent a lot of my youth on a farm: for my family, whole foods were the only way to go," she says. "But when I started traveling, I found it was near impossible to eat healthy and stay active without a big hassle. L wanted to find options and then get the word out."
Her book, California Healthy (Southern California edition), was crafted as a result. After she debuted the book through her own locally headquartered Park Place Publications, Hamilton managed to negotiate a contract with Hollywood's Renaissance Hotel to have it placed in every single room, an impressive venture considering she did it with no other agents.
The book, a polished work one might expect from a company that has helped 50 authors publish their prose, draws contributions from former Stanford University Executive Chef Bruce Biron and exercise physiologist Janel Willette - and ultimately succeeds at the goal Hamilton lays out in the introduction: It "highlights the extraordinary natural offerings of Southern California, from the charming organic farms and wines of San Luis Obispo County to the outstanding health food cafГ©s and restaurants of San Diego County."
For more on Park Place Productions, visit www.parkplace-publications.com.
Ephraim, Qres

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